Illustration & Sculpture by Ronald Kurniawan

one could stand on its own

one could stand on its own

Ronald Kurniawan draws, paints and sculpts wild and imaginative scenes and characters.

Inspired by ideograms, syllables, letterforms, beasts and heroic landscapes, he slowly but surely continues to create a visual language where the wilderness and civilization could merge happily together. With the belief that the sublime and nuclear age could coexist, he paints romantic environments and breaks the quiet scene with juxtaposed imagery taking the shape of icons and letterforms.

Ronald Kurniawan’s website has a plethora of work to see.  Make sure you pay a visit.

Poster for an air cleaner to filter out germs


Birdhouse - acrylic on wood - 6" x 4" x 24"

uncharted by ronald kurniawan

uncharted - graphite on watercolor paper - 22.5" x 10"

mini books

mini books

sweet and sour

sweet and sour

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