Tagged: fabric

Featured Sculpture by Ron Gilad

On first seeing images of Ron Gilad’s sculpture, I payed no attention to the actual physical dimensions and assumed these pieces were much larger than they are.  After seeing images of his exhibitions I realized how intriguing this intentional play on scale would be to experience in person.

Engram, a Series by Jennifer Anderson

Jennifer Anderson’s latest series, Engram, involves cutting intricate geometric patterns into discarded reproductions of paintings. My eye goes back and forth from trying to understand the old image of what has been cut away to perceiving the new negative image of the newly cut pattern.

Featured Artwork by Whitney Lynn

Whitney Lynn works in various mediums, often including an element of performance. Lynn’s artwork can be seen in an upcoming exhibition, God Only Knows Who the Audience Is: Performance, Video, and Television Through the Lens of La Mamelle / ART COM.