Liam Brazier is a London based freelance illustrator and animator. Much of his work is great, but I am especially fond of these superhero and science fiction characters. Brazier is currently working to complete a new Star Wars illustration every week until The Force Awakens is released in theaters.
Topic: drawing
mixed media
music monday
street art
Alex Litovka
I guess I am on a toy kick. Maybe it is all of the superhero movies that are out this summer. Anyway, these superhero logos are created by Alex Litovka.
Evgeny Parfenov
Here are some beautiful, energetic illustrations by Evgeny Parfenov. You may have seen his work before in magazines like Wired, Rolling Stone or Newsweek. Parfenov uses vivid shapes and sometimes bold, energetic line to illustrate his subject.
Featured Illustration by Sandra Dieckmann
Sandra Dieckmann melds color, texture and pattern beautifully into to each of her illustrations. I especially enjoy how well she mixes organic textures and geometric shapes each piece.
20 Most Read Posts from 2011
As 2011 ends and we begin 2012, I want to reflect on the most read post of the last year. Here is a collection of the 20 most read posts written in 2011.
Illustration by Alvaro Tapia Hidalgo
Alvaro Tapia Hidalgo has some of the most amazing illustration that I have seen in a while. These illustrations deliver vivid color and gorgeous textures with a touch of dark “They Live” quirkiness.
Got Illustration? by Pawel
These wonderful illustrations are by Pawel. I really enjoy how he allows his sense of humor shine in his artwork.
02 Becoming TransNatural
The second TransNatural event will be opening on March 4. I am really drawn to this exhibit because it mixes art and technology in a very compelling way to make statements and ask questions about the biochemical world we live in today and what the future will be.
Paintings and Illustrations by Tanner Goldbeck
Tanner Goldbeck art is on cars, bikes, helmets, skateboards, traditional surfaces and more. One side of Goldbeck’s artwork is rich in color with a comic/pop art feel.