Listen to this new alt-J single from their new album, Relaxer.

Listen to this new alt-J single from their new album, Relaxer.
Tim Noble and Sue Webster create works from trash and other ordinary items. These sculptures take on a new life when light is added.
Moxhay is a London based artist and has been exhibiting since 2002. Her latest series, Interiors, creates impossible compositions of ruin.
Hot Chip mixes an indie sound with a dance music vibe to create their newest album, Why Make Sense?. The video below is Huarache Lights, the first song on the new alum.
If you are in the U.S. in August, Everyhere Logistics will be bringing an art installation to a city near you. Every Saturday 12 box trucks, 6 from the west coast and 6 from the east, will be delivering interactive art performances/installations in box trucks to cities throughout the U.S.
Built to Spill, an indie rock band from Boise, Idaho, has a new album, Untethered Moon, that is certainly worth checking out. The whole album is solid and fun to listen to.
Built to Spill were one of the most popular indie rock acts of the ’90s, finding the middle ground between postmodern, Pavement-style pop and the loose, spacious jamming of Neil Young.
“Living Zoo” may be the quirkiest new song which is the one below in the video.
Fraley’s Robot Repair was originally an art installation by Toby Atticus Fraley. The installation ran for 17 months in Pittsburgh’s Cultural District. Fraley now has a KickStarter to build a new installation, Robot Repair Shop, in the Pittsburgh International Airport.
Anuli Croon is a visual artist based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Her paintings are filled with a wild mix of flat color and, mostly, geometric pattern. The painting featured is “Fragment of a City (stadsfragment)” and is 180 x 225 cm to offer some perspective into the scale of her work.