It is as important, if not more, to view Rob Voerman’s sculpture from the inside as it is from the outside.
Some years ago, I started a body of work in which I try to create the architecture of fictive communities living in remote areas or occupying existing city-landscapes. The communities will consist of a mixture of utopia, destruction and beauty, a symbiosis of hippie-communities from the seventies, with their often highly decorated self-build structures, the cabin of the Unabomber hidden in the Montana forests, art-deco and other influences. Romanticism combined with the grim qualities of terror. It is often a direct translation of destruction in a purely aesthetic form.
Materialized explosions are being transformed to wonderful domes, made of cathedral-glass and wood. By their rich decoration, they often make people think of religious associations. Other buildings seem totally inward looking, staring back with dark windows, almost resembling human eyes. The desire to change reality is materialized in architecture in which man try to flee society and start a utopian and completely autonomous world.
– Partial Quote from Artist’s Statement
Rob Voerman’s website has much more artwork including drawings of some much larger structures, so be sure and check that out.