I first featured Marc Johns’ drawing, the boxes we put people in, in 2008 and I am so happy that I took the time to revisit his website. Johns’ comedic drawings are as creative as they are funny.
I generally aim to say as much as possible with as few elements as possible. My work often leans toward humour. Finding the humour in things often leads to finding the truth. I like to create absurd situations, by combining things together that don’t belong, or imagine what inanimate objects would say if they could speak.
— Marc Johns
I picked out a few of my favorite drawings below, but there are many more drawings to see on Marc Johns’ blog, so check it out.

Ink and watercolour on paper, 5x7 inches.

Ink and watercolour on paper, 5x7 inches

Ink and watercolour on paper, 5x7 inches

Ink and watercolour on paper, 5x7 inches

Ink and watercolour on paper, 5x7 inches

Ink and watercolour on paper, 5x7 inches