Snow, Part of Sensing Nature by Tokujin Yoshioka

Tokujin Yoshioka’s work lives somewhere between art and architecture.  Yoshioka’s latest work, “Snow” will be a part of the exhibit, “Sensing Nature” opening this Saturday, July 24 at the Mori Art Museum.

At the exhibition, Tokujin will present a 15-meter-wide dynamic installation entitled “Snow.”  The scenery of hundreds kilograms of light feather blown all over and falling down slowly will call for the memory of the snowscape within people’e heart, and it will transcends their sense.

Yoshioka does an amazing job of transforming a space into an experience.  He is keenly aware that the environment of the gallery is a big part of the work he is creating.  I REALLY wish I could go and see this in person.

I have included some of his previous work in this post and you can see more of Tokujin Yoshioka’s artwork on his website.

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