Working mostly in watercolors and inks, Marco Zamora creates large scale drawings on paper that deal with themes of anonymity, his environment, and the conditions/actions of the people that inhabit it.
I am very interested in the real, using objects and things that are lost, that transport, and materials of everyday use. I will be mixing heavy graphic imagery and soft reality. Color is being used as an attraction, as beauty and a distraction. My work is a comment on my experiences and feelings of society. I photograph what I see and use it as a fragment of time and reality to construct each piece.
It is “the world as it is”, to capture people in their natural state of being. This work is about memory and the unknown, where is it from and where will it go? Recognizing the unappreciated and the everyday routine. Playing with the idea of our waste and baggage.
To place ideas on the unknown, appropriating actions, meanings and photos. Everything is important.
Marco recently had a show in Barcelona and is showing at Wonderbread Factory, 171 14th Street
San Diego, CA until September 15th. See much more on marcozamora.com.



White Line 3

White Lines 2


Sunny Day
