Anuli Croon is a visual artist based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Her paintings are filled with a wild mix of flat color and, mostly, geometric pattern. The painting featured is “Fragment of a City (stadsfragment)” and is 180 x 225 cm to offer some perspective into the scale of her work.
Anuli Croon paints in the vein of the cartoon. The work is extraordinarily colorful. The work looks simple without simplistic. The two-dimensional representation conforms wholly to the flat plane of the canvas or the wall. The coloration is mostly clear and primary. The paintings pairs analysis with intuition. They enable the viewer to riddles. Their cartoonish simplicity is deceptive. Where a story leads to a denouement, Anuli Croon keeps her plot cunningly hidden in a mix of hands, eyes, buildings, interiors and ornaments. People make their appearance as silent witnesses of unexplained affairs; they give text nor explanation. Yet they are clearly constructed with a loving touch. That alone protects them for the anonymity of the crowd.

het waait III

tronie & stad III

tronie & stad IV

stadsfragment / fragments of a city
More paintings by Anuli Croon can be seen on her site: anulicroon.nl