I am blown away by Nick van Woert’s sculpture. Working with fiberglass, plastics and various other materials, he builds up colorful sculpture that has a life of it’s own.
For the artist, the focus is on the evolution of building materials (from stone to styrofoam), and using that to develop a material language. His architectural interests are diverse, including Vitruviusʼs Primitive Hut, the Modernist schoolʼs emphasis on being true to materials and not concealing structural forces, as well as the modified architecture of radical “back-to-nature” groups. Van Woert even borrows material recipes from these ecoterrorists, using elements such as polyurethane, packing peanuts, steel, fiberglass, as well as hair gel and chlorine (which when mixed can become destructive).
– artist’s press release
Nick van Woert’s latest exhibit, Breaking and Entering can be seen at Yvon Lambert, New York until April 6, 2011. Checkout much more artwork on Nick van Woert’s website.

You Will Die Of Something - Polyurethane adhesive, skeleton 132 x 32 x 14 in. (335 x 81 x 36 cm)

Damnatio Memoriae - Plaster, fiberglass and marble busts with polyurethane plastic

Poor Me - Marble impregnated resin bust and polyurethane plastic 35 x 39 x 14 in.

Mary Mary - Fiberglass statue, polyurethane plastic, steel plinth with wheels 46 x 80 x 24 in.

À Rebours - Fiberglas statue, polyurethane adhesive, steel 85.5 x 36 x 29 inches