Greg Bogin’s artwork is clean and minimal with a synthetic feel. His canvases are irregularly shaped and in full or partially by intensely bright colors.
The work for this exhibition was made over the last three or four months, a time when anxiety seemed to be everywhere. The concern I felt created the necessity to find a “happy place” where I could escape to.
I worked (as I frequently do) opposite my mental state. I put aside the feeling that signs seemed to point to the futility of any creative gesture. I continued working and developing the same themes that have always occupied my work. I am reticent to delve into explanations as to what these themes may or may not be as the works are open to the interpretation of the viewer, each of whom will bring their own set of ideas and beliefs to the experience. Painting is a visual language and as such words do poor job of translation. Trying to understand what a painting means…gets in the way of understanding the meaning of the painting.
— Greg Bogin’s Artist Statement from “I Want to Be Your Friend”
See much more artwork on Greg Bogin’s website or at Leo Koening Gallery