Inga Guzyte creates sculptural comic-like characters from recycled skateboards. These works are typically fun and light hearted, drawing from Inga’s childhood memories.
My recent body of work is made of recycled skateboards. The ‘pop cultural’ designs and colors play a significant role in the development of my images. I choose old, used skateboards because I see their use as one way to recycle design or art, and also as a way to harvest old memories. Skateboards are like books, demonstrating the history of a culture and its art. Before cutting the boards apart, I clean and sand them, uncovering the unique design of the boards. The archeology of this process is meditative. It guides my mind and hand in generating new images. I cut the decks into various shapes, eliminating the original forms; rearranging and reconstructing them to create fictional characters. The works no longer represent a skateboard; in its place is a new, more personal language.
— Inga Guzyte
You can see much more artwork on Inga Guzyte’s website.