Fraley’s Robot Repair was originally an art installation by Toby Atticus Fraley. The installation ran for 17 months in Pittsburgh’s Cultural District. Fraley now has a KickStarter to build a new installation, Robot Repair Shop, in the Pittsburgh International Airport.
In case you do not know what KickStarter is:
Kickstarter is a global crowdfunding platform based in the United States. The company’s stated mission is to help bring creative projects to life. …
People who back Kickstarter projects are offered tangible rewards and one of a kind experiences in exchange for their pledges. This model traces its roots to subscription model of arts patronage, where artists would go directly to their audiences to fund their work.
Fraley has some pretty awesome rewards from the typical stickers, t-shirts and pins to your own custom built robot.
Here is a quick video about the project:
Support Fraley’s Robot Repair Shop on Kickstarter
Photos of Fraley’s Robot Repair can be seen here: