Sculpture by Andrew Lewicki

Oreo Manhole Cover - cast iron 28" x 28" x 1.25"

The sculpture of Andrew Lewicki is playful and transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary.  Ordinary cinderblocks are replaced with giant concrete lego blocks. An ordinary manhole cover becomes a delicious, iconic cookie.

…his Walnut Skate Ramp and Gold-Plated Skate Rail (both 2007), are ready for skateboarders to jump off or slide along, but instead of plywood and steel they are finely crafted from high-end materials.  The burnished wood and polished gold are not so much bling as a utopian prospect: in a perfect world, perhaps we’d have 14-carat rails for all kids to grind on, and dovetailed joinery to practice their tailslides!

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Concrete Lego - concrete 15.5" x 7.75" x 5.5" installation variable

Concrete Lego - concrete 15.5" x 7.75" x 5.5" installation variable

Walnut Skate Ramp - walnut, gold-plated steel 36" x 70" x 24"

Walnut Skate Ramp - walnut, gold-plated steel 36" x 70" x 24"

y=x² - plywood, douglas fir, black pipe - 16' x 13' x 8'

y=x² - plywood, douglas fir, black pipe - 16' x 13' x 8'

Oreo Manhole Cover - cast iron 28" x 28" x 1.25"

Oreo Manhole Cover - cast iron 28" x 28" x 1.25"

andrew lewicki accordion obscura camera large format front standard treble keyboard

Accordion Obscura - accordion treble keyboard, bellows, 4x5 camera front standard

Gold-Plated Skate Rail - gold-plated steel 20" x 96" x 4"

Gold-Plated Skate Rail - gold-plated steel 20" x 96" x 4"

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