artist & website: Alexey Titarenko – http://www.alexeytitarenko.com
artist & website: Alexey Titarenko – http://www.alexeytitarenko.com
Series of portraits taken of people before and after they had died.
artist & website: Walter Schels – Gallery Site
Looking for great photo tips? If not, sorry today’s post won’t mean much to you. But, if you are, you need to check out Photojojo.com. There you can signup for a newsletter of great tips and tricks to make your life as a photographer easier. The great thing about the tips is they are usually concise and to the point and ever so often they point to a great tutorial. Oh and the really cool thing, you don’t have to signup to see the old newsletters.
Worcester State Hospital – part of a collection of photos – American Asylum
artist & website: Jeremy Harris – http://jeremyharris.com
box model and pinhole photography
artist & website: Bethany de Forest – http://www.pinhole.nl/
artist & website: Jochem van Wetten – http://www.jochemvanwetten.nl/
artist & website: Greg Martin – http://gallery.artofgregmartin.com/
artist & website: Kevin Postupack – http://kevinpostupack.todayinart.com
10″ x 15″
artist & website: Megan Baker – http://mbakerphotography.com