In his new series, An American Revolution Revolution, Shawn Huckins comments on today’s American culture, technology and how we interact with one another. Huckins feels our love affair with our little devices may be eroding our society in some ways and poses the question, “What would George post?”
Tagged: bronze
mixed media
music monday
street art
Mixed Media Collage by Kim Frohsin
Kim Frohsin’s newer collage work has honed in on select bits of imagery to explore and is ripe with color and texture.
New Artwork by Mario D. Fisher
Mario Fisher recently started work on a new series, Disembodied, and Seven curves for hallelujah is the first piece of artwork in this series.
Mark Khaisman Paints with Packing Tape
Mark Khaisman “paints” portraits with packing tape. Khaisman often uses “recognizable cultural icons” as the focus of his artwork.
Acrylic, Watercolor and Ink Paintings by Ekundayo
Ekundayo is a painter originally from Honolulu, Hawaii and his painting are rich with color, texture and movement; each telling a unique story.
Illustrations & Paintings by Morning Breath
Morning Breath is a creative duo, Doug Cunningham and Jason Noto, working in both art and advertising. These two passions are so well integrated that, at first glance, it can be difficult to know if a piece is art or an advertisement. This is one of my favorite things about their work.
Featured Painter, Fernando Chamarelli
Today’s art is by Fernando Chamarelli. Chamarelli’s work includes “mosaic, geometric elements, organic forms and harmonic lines connecting symbols, legends, philosophies, religions and customs of ancient and modern civilizations.”
Featured Painter, Kevin Peterson
Many thanks to Art Asylum Boston for introducing me to Kevin Peterson. Peterson’s paint reveals a sharp contrast between the innocent world of a child and the reality of the world in which they live.