I absolutely love works like this. These pieces look so minimal while the background process is a bit complex. This minimalistic imagery focuses attention on some very large and complex issues. Below is a quote explaining the work.
In this project we focused on the problem of air pollution. Therefore we exhibited eight pedestals, each of which are covered with an airtight Plexiglas box. Via the internet, the latest air pollution levels in the capitals of the G8-countries are obtained and sent to the control system of the installation. Based on this data, the system reproduces these levels artificially and in realtime inside the boxes. As an inidcator, to visualize the quality of the air, we are using lettuce. The lettuce changes in colors and size depending on the conditions it faces, and therefore we get some organic data visualization. Exhibited in showcase-like containers, becomes an object, a sculpture that speaks in nature’s own language about its state.