I recently tried out The Batch Watermarks to apply a watermark information to about 15 images. The app is easy to use and was able to quickly add the watermarks to my images.
I did not know of The Batch Watermarks software before they bought an ad for on Today in Art last month, so I gave their software a try. After trying the software, I found it to be a useful tool and contacted them about offering our readers half off.

Features include:
- Automatic font adjustments which consider the color of the photograph
- Control where the watermark is applied
- Choice of the font used for the watermark
- Choice of color, size and transparency of the watermark
- Outputs final files to .jpg, .png, .gif, .tiff, .bmp, .ppm, .xpm
The Batch Watermarks could come in handy if you need to quickly apply watermarks to multiple images. Go to thebatchwatermarks.com and use the coupon code TODAYINART to get 50% off your copy.