Over the weekend, many different outlets shared views of the September 11 tragedy. Artists have also expressed their feelings over the years and Googling for artist 9/11 tributes will return thousands of works. It is intriguing to see how artists work their feelings about this tragey in their work. Below are a only few that caught my eye.
Tribute in Light John Bennett, Gustavo Bonevardi, Julian LaVerdiere, Paul Myoda, Richard Nash Gould, Paul Marantz, The Municipal Art Society, Creative Time and Battery Park City Authority- photo Mark Lennehan
Tar Baby vs St. Sebastien - This is not a tribute to the 9/11 attack, but a tribute to the Tuskegee Airmen. Artist Michael Richards completed this sculpture in 1999 before his death in the World Trade Center; his office was in the 92nd Floor of the north tower.
Lady Liberty - It is uncertain how the fiberglass statue suddenly appeared outside the firehouse, but its arrival soon encouraged Lady Liberty's ongoing, spontaneous ornamentation with messages and tributes left by the public.
To The Struggle Against World Terrorism - Zurab Tsereteli
Tribute to the victims of the World Trade Center - Jean-Sébastien Raud
Nassau County 9/11 Memorial - Keith N. Striga & P.Charles Gavosto
Never Forget – Sand Art by Joe Castillo
Pentagon 911 - Anthony Freda
Street Art
by Reo, Seme, and Rage of HI Crew
911 by Repent and Slice
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