Jim Denevan creates huge, large scale works of art in sand, earth, ice and more. These works are almost always massive and can measure in miles or kilometers rather than yards or meters.
It is no big secret that I am a fan of Lisa Kellner’s work as I have previously featured her before on this website. Her silk sculptures are intriguing to me and her execution makes them come alive with movement.
I was not ready to start 2012 last week, but now I am ready to rock. This album released over the summer and is mainstream popular, but I am loving it.
As 2011 ends and we begin 2012, I want to reflect on the most read post of the last year. Here is a collection of the 20 most read posts written in 2011.
If you want to hear some amazing music, checkout some music by The Piano Guys, Steven Sharp Nelson and Jon Schmidt. I included one of their collaborative works as well as a solo work from each musician.
Scott Fife has been creating artwork from cardboard for many years and has mastered the manipulation of this medium. I am fascinated at the lifelike features of these pieces created with such a blunt and basic material.
I am loving this live performance of Moving Further Away by The Horrors.