I had some personal matters to attend to and was unable to post for a few days. Posts will continue today.
Topic: news
mixed media
music monday
street art
Kurt Vonnegut – Raplh Steadman
21″ x 27 1/2″ 3 color etching on paper
artist & website: Ralph Steadman – http://www.ralphsteadman.com
Ocean Without a Shore

artist & website: Bill Viola – http://www.oceanwithoutashore.com/
Photojojo has your back
Looking for great photo tips? If not, sorry today’s post won’t mean much to you. But, if you are, you need to check out Photojojo.com. There you can signup for a newsletter of great tips and tricks to make your life as a photographer easier. The great thing about the tips is they are usually concise and to the point and ever so often they point to a great tutorial. Oh and the really cool thing, you don’t have to signup to see the old newsletters.
The Horseman Meets the Oarsman – by Red Labor
An open source digital collage project by Dave Rau and Josh Bertrand. All of the original source imagery and Photoshop file are available for download for artists to use and remix as they see fix. Artists can then send the imagery back to Josh and Dave, who will post some of their favorites. I dig this idea!
artist & website: Red Labor – http://www.redlabor.com/
Nonsuch – by Chris Kenny
24 x 24 x 3 inches
artist & website: Chris Kenny – page at the England Gallery
Along the Way – by Cause Collective
30′ x 10′ Video Installation @ The Oakland International Airport – “Along the Way is a 20-minute video mosaic that includes over 1,500 videos taken by the artists featuring the people and places of Oakland, California and the surrounding Bay Area.”
artist & website: Cause Collective – http://www.causecollective.com/
New Today in Art Widget is Available
Now you can have art on your website everyday. Simply click the “Get Widget” button to get started.
Note: Some websites will require you to scroll down in the widget to complete. Basically lookout for a small scroll bar on the right of the widgetbox add tool.
Present Perfect – by Gregory Euclide
mixed media – 40″ x 54″
artist & website: Gregory Euclide – http://www.gregoryeuclide.com/