Michael Jackson Visual Artist Tributes

Just two weeks after the death of the King of Pop, works by visual artists are surfacing, paying tribute to Michael Jackson.  I found many of these, but here are two of my favorites.


Above is a Thriller Cover illustration by Cesar Moreno.  This image is referencing the photo used for the front of the 25th Anniversary reissue of Thriller. Prints of this one are available here: http://www.golpeavisa.com.mx/MJTribute

Michael Jackson by David Garibaldi Painting
David  Garibaldi is a performance painter that engages his audience while his creates his work live.  Three of these paintings were created in the series “Pop Trilogy.”

If anyone knows of others just leave them in the comments below for everyone to enjoy. Thanks.

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14 Responses to “Michael Jackson Visual Artist Tributes”

  1. Kayla on

    i am already a great fan of Michael Jackson ever since i was just a little kid. i would really miss the King of Pop.

  2. Jonathan on

    Michael Jackson is truly the King of Pop. He made a lot of great songs in the area of Pop Music. His death is a great loss to the music industry.