Oil Paintings by Marion Peck

Sleepwalk - 2009 oil on canvas 24" x 30"

Sleepwalk - 2009 oil on canvas 24" x 30"

Finding Marion Pecks work on the web was a wonderful surprise!

Marion’s beautifully painted works have an unsettled feeling about them that intrigues me.  I think what I enjoy most is the contrast between the mood of the paintings and doll like style they are presented in.  Marion Peck has an enormous collection of art work to view on her website, so please check it out.

"Dream #57" (Night in Venice) Oil on canvas with vintage frame 13.5" x 15.5"

"Dream #57" (Night in Venice) - Oil on canvas with vintage frame 13.5" x 15.5"

Nice Girl oil on panel, 8 x 11, 2008

Nice Girl - oil on panel, 8 x 11, 2008

"Dream #186" (Block Party) Oil on panel with vintage frame, 16" x 22"

"Dream #186" (Block Party) - Oil on panel with vintage frame, 16" x 22"

Girl with a Kitten

Girl with a Kitten

Boy with a Puppy

Boy with a Puppy

Landscape with a Submerged Deer oil on canvas, 19.5 x 25, 2008

Landscape with a Submerged Deer - oil on canvas, 19.5 x 25, 2008

artist & website: Marion Peck – marionpeck.com

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