Tagged: cardboard



Martin Heuwold aka MEGX, has a knack for transforming uninteresting or abandoned urban structures into something spectacular.  First up are some installations where MEGX transforms vacant storefronts into an expression on the opposite nature of vacant (dead) and occupied (living) storefronts.

Monika Grzymala

Monika Grzymala has an amazing looking show that is wrapping up at the Sumarria Lunn on the 11th. You should consider checking it out if you are in the London area.

Carsten Höller’, Turbine Hall, Tate Modern, London 2006.

Carsten Höller

Carsten Höller will be transforming the New Museum’s building into an giant playground as part of his retrospective show on October 26. Höller will be installing an enclosed slide that visitors can use to travel from the fourth floor to the second.