Tagged: ice

10 Grungy Social Media Icons


So, after I finished yesterdays post I started adding the new icons to my design and found the were too clean for my look.  Here are the dirtier, grungy social media icons.  This is basically the same file as the previous with a grungy set of layers applied. Oh, and FYI there are 10 in the PSD, (Google). Enjoy 🙂

icons02.psd.zip (5.8 mb)

10 Clean Social Media Icons


I know that I have some web designers that read the site, so this post is targeted toward them.  I needed some social media icons for a site that I am working on.  Everywhere I looked all I saw were glass icons. Yes I realize I have a glassy icon in the top right corner of this site, but there will be no glass on the new site (coming soon).  Needing a clean set of social media icons that were not glassy, I created these.  The link includes a .PSD download and sorry they are not all in vector.  I hope these are useful to someone. 🙂

UPDATED: New download

What is in Your Toolbox?

Every artist has a “tool chest” they rely on in creating and showing their work.  So, I am working to create a list of resources and tools that people find useful in creating their art.

What I need: I need you to send me a list of items that you find useful in creating and showing your work.  What are your favorite tools?  Do you have any resources that you rely on to get your work seen?  etc.

How you can get it to me:

twitter: @todayinart

email: showus@todayinart.com

or comment on this post

Thanks for your help and I will post the info soon!  Oh, thanks to furryscaly for the awesome toolbox photo.

1000 True Fans

Kevin Kelly posted 1000 True Fans in his blog yesterday discussing the Long Tail of certain niches. In his post he shows how a creative person only needs 1000 true fans. Kevin’s definition of a true fan is someone who will buy almost anything that you create. Kevin discusses some practical ways of accomplishing this and how pleasant and invigorating it is to be able to personally respond to fans of your work. Building your micro-celebrity status is easier than ever with free tools found on the internet. Checkout his post and begin building your fan base. – found via boingboing