Camellie is a talented graphic artist / illustrator pumping out some wildly imaginative and colorful pieces. Camellie works mostly with ink pens and markers adding the colors later in Illustrator.
Tagged: relief
mixed media
music monday
street art

Watercolor and Ink Drawings by Marco Zamora
Working mostly in watercolors and inks, Marco Zamora creates large scale drawings on paper that deal with themes of anonymity, his environment, and the conditions/actions of the people that inhabit it.
Drawings by the “Seattle Sketcher”

Gabriel Campanario is the “Seattle Sketcher” of the Seattle Times. Campanario regularly posts new drawings observing people and places in Seattle.
Andrea Ferrigno
Andrea Ferrigno’s drawings and paintings have a digital look about them. I don’t know what her process is, but the precision in some of these is quite magnificent.
Exploration of Line by Heike Weber
Heike Weber’s work is all about the line. Whether using marker, silicone, paper or carpet, Weber creates amazingly complex compositions.

Sketches and Illustrations by Gabriella Barouch
I am so glad I found Gabriella Barouch’s collection of art. I love how seamlessly she combine various media in her work. The finished pieces feel complete, as if these materials were meant to be combined in the such a way.
10 Creative & Funny Drawings
Here are a few funny and creative drawings and illustrations that are worth sharing. I included a variety of artists and 2 of the images are actually photography mixed with elements of drawing.

The Lost Light Drawings of Picasso
How did I miss that Pablo Picasso did light drawings? LIFE Magazine has a wonderful collection of photos showing Picasso creating light drawings. I apologize if you have already seen this, but I didn’t realize that Picasso was an early light drawing artist. From my earliest years of drawing, I have always been in awe of Picasso’s work. It is exciting to see work by him that is so new to me and I am astounded at how ahead of his time these are.

Drawing on the iPad, a Brushes & Sketchbook Pro Walkthrough
After getting an iPad, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Brushes and Sketchbook Pro. Both of these apps are really nice on the iPod and iPhone, but I had not taken to them like I had hoped. I found that the screen size was crippling for me and this was too great a hurdle for me to overcome. The iPad is a much better tool for drawing since the size is closer to the size of a sketch book. The iPad also has more room to include app menus and options.