Ben Grasso’s paintings portray architectural structures, which resemble wooden houses from his home town, undergoing a deconstruction/reconstruction process. These homes are torn from their foundations and lifted high into the air where they are reborn into new, dramatic and beautiful forms.
Topic: performance
mixed media
music monday
street art
Mixed Media Artwork by Wil Murrary
Wil Murray’s mixed media artwork blurs the lines between disciplines as well as genres. These pieces have an identify complex that I love.
Playfully Scary Art by Jeremy Fish
The artwork of Jeremy Fish is playfully scary and just plain fun to look at. Most of his art is rich with graphic detail with a minimal color palette. When viewing his work online you will immediately get his angle by the URL of his website,
Featured Paintings by Erik Otto
Erik Otto does some amazing paintings that are linear, fluid and ripe with texture. Oh yeah, he does some nice sculpture too.
Violent Grisaille Paintings of Guillaume Bresson
Guillaume Bresson realistically paints contemporary subject using classical painting techniques. Painting in technique of grisaille, Bresson portrays modern scenes of urban street violence.
An American Revolution Revolution by Shawn Huckins
In his new series, An American Revolution Revolution, Shawn Huckins comments on today’s American culture, technology and how we interact with one another. Huckins feels our love affair with our little devices may be eroding our society in some ways and poses the question, “What would George post?”
Engram, a Series by Jennifer Anderson
Jennifer Anderson’s latest series, Engram, involves cutting intricate geometric patterns into discarded reproductions of paintings. My eye goes back and forth from trying to understand the old image of what has been cut away to perceiving the new negative image of the newly cut pattern.
Logo Minimalism by Dorothy
A creative group known as Dorothy is using corporate logo imagery for their painting inspiration.
Before I Die – Candy Chang
Candy Chang is an artist, designer and urban planner and she recently created a public/street art installation, Before I Die.