Thomas Hawk is a “photography factory” trying to publish 1,000,000 finished, processed photographs before he dies. With a goal like this, you can imagine the range of imagery in his collection. The number of photographs in Hawk’s collection is stagering as he documents life around him.
Topic: photography
mixed media
music monday
street art
HDR Photography of Trey Ratcliff
Trey Ratliff continues to transform extraordinary photographs into scenes of unimaginable beauty with HDR (high dynamic range) photography.
Illustration by Alvaro Tapia Hidalgo
Alvaro Tapia Hidalgo has some of the most amazing illustration that I have seen in a while. These illustrations deliver vivid color and gorgeous textures with a touch of dark “They Live” quirkiness.
All That Glitters by Raissa Venables
In All That Glitters, Raissa Venables intricately creates each image from many different photographs of interior spaces, becoming an alternate reality for the space being photographed.
Horizons by Sze Tsung Leong
Sze Tsung Leong’s series, Horizons, is an on going series of photographs from locations around the world. Each image is beautiful alone, but when seen together, one beside another, they take on new life.
Selected Landscapes by Warren Krupsaw
I am drawn to Warren Krupsaw’s landscapes, particularly those which feel more abstract or present a reality that I have not actually experienced.
02 Becoming TransNatural
The second TransNatural event will be opening on March 4. I am really drawn to this exhibit because it mixes art and technology in a very compelling way to make statements and ask questions about the biochemical world we live in today and what the future will be.
Paintings and Illustrations by Tanner Goldbeck
Tanner Goldbeck art is on cars, bikes, helmets, skateboards, traditional surfaces and more. One side of Goldbeck’s artwork is rich in color with a comic/pop art feel.
Illustration by L Filipe dos Santos
Today we have some great illustration from L Filipe dos Santos and there is something refreshing about his bio.