Bogdan Panait has a keen eye for composition and a beautiful sense of how images look in black and white. Panait’s images are mostly landscapes with peaceful and empty serenity about them.

Bogdan Panait has a keen eye for composition and a beautiful sense of how images look in black and white. Panait’s images are mostly landscapes with peaceful and empty serenity about them.
You have seen illustration by Yiying Lu if you have visited Twitter when it is over capacity. “Lifting a Dreamer” aka “The Fail Whale” is displayed with a brief message by Twitter when the service is overloaded.
Anthony Freda is a political artist and illustrator and has been published in popular publications like Time, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, Esquire and more. Freda’s illustration is edgy and will certainly make you think.
Chris Jordan’s photography shines light on our pollution problem and documents the affect it is having on one animal in particular, the albatross.
Morning Breath is a creative duo, Doug Cunningham and Jason Noto, working in both art and advertising. These two passions are so well integrated that, at first glance, it can be difficult to know if a piece is art or an advertisement. This is one of my favorite things about their work.
Each one of Sarah Dennis’ warm, story book like illustrations are small self contained stories. Her work brings back memories of childhood, while also quenching my thirst for beautiful artwork.
In photography, a negative image is a total inversion of an ordinary, positive one. What was once dark becomes light and vice versa. Colours are flipped completely, with reds turning to blue and blues to yellow. The results are often diverse, with many negative photos, particularly those of people, plants and animals, taking on a ghostly or unearthly quality.
Camellie is a talented graphic artist / illustrator pumping out some wildly imaginative and colorful pieces. Camellie works mostly with ink pens and markers adding the colors later in Illustrator.
The illustrations of Mario Sughi have a unique style using vivid color with complex lines and composition. Sughi’s chosen subject is people, often in public space.