Ivan Navarro creates hanging and free standing sculptures of lights and mirrors, creating the illusion of depth. Some of his newer work draws inspiration from the blueprints of world famous skyscrapers.

Ivan Navarro creates hanging and free standing sculptures of lights and mirrors, creating the illusion of depth. Some of his newer work draws inspiration from the blueprints of world famous skyscrapers.
I am very excited to announce the completion of a new theme, Stack, for the Today in Art Community. This theme is an edgy blogging theme designed to make your content POP.
This is epic song is Glowing Mouth by Milagres. I just discovered this band and hope that you enjoy them as much as I do.
It is as important, if not more, to view Rob Voerman’s sculpture from the inside as it is from the outside.
In his new series, An American Revolution Revolution, Shawn Huckins comments on today’s American culture, technology and how we interact with one another. Huckins feels our love affair with our little devices may beĀ erodingĀ our society in some ways and poses the question, “What would George post?”
Jennifer Anderson’s latest series, Engram, involves cutting intricate geometric patterns into discarded reproductions of paintings. My eye goes back and forth from trying to understand the old image of what has been cut away to perceiving the new negative image of the newly cut pattern.
I heard some Son Volt over the weekend that took me back to the late 90s.
Exploring and finding color can be an intimidating part of being an artist, photographer or designer and, for many creatives understanding color can be a challenge.
JR began his art career at 15 as a street artist in Paris. After finding a camera in the subway, JR began documenting his street art adventures and pasting his work on the walls of the street.