This little iPhone/iPod app is a must have for every artist. SketchBook Mobile, by Autodesk, is a drawing application that allows you to draw with your fingers on your iPhone or iPod Touch. The app is full of features and will not disappoint you. The best part is Autodesk has a lite version, SketchBook MobileX, that will let you explore before purchasing the full version.
Pros: Great touch interface, lots of options, and easy to use
Cons: I wish the canvas output was larger, I want a bigger screen – maybe Apple will release the rumored “iPad” this winter
Price: $2.99 for full version and FREE for lite version
I download it too and it is pretty nice. One more con, no alpha control for brushes and layers, at least not that I can find 🙁
got the lite version. honestly i love the app but cannot for the life of me get the brush resize function to do anything. still it really is a must for any artist.
Yes, I found that to be a little tricky too. You have to make sure and touch right in the center of the circle and then slide your finger up or down. If you touch too close to the edge or outside the circle the option screen goes away. I hope that helps.