Kim Frohsin’s newer collage work has honed in on select bits of imagery to explore and is ripe with color and texture.

Kim Frohsin’s newer collage work has honed in on select bits of imagery to explore and is ripe with color and texture.
As the year comes to an end, I, like many, tend to reflect on the last year. One thing I enjoy is looking back to see what posts readers of Today in Art like most. The best way I have of doing this today is by looking at the most visited posts.
Anthony Freda is a political artist and illustrator and has been published in popular publications like Time, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, Esquire and more. Freda’s illustration is edgy and will certainly make you think.
350 Earth is in full swing and images of art installations are being published daily. The collection so far is amazing and each piece includes assistance from local participants.
Mario Fisher recently started work on a new series, Disembodied, and Seven curves for hallelujah is the first piece of artwork in this series.
Sculpture by the Sea is a large outdoor art exhibit, featuring a variety of sculpture and artists. Here are 15 of my favorites from this years exhibit.
Each one of Sarah Dennis’ warm, story book like illustrations are small self contained stories. Her work brings back memories of childhood, while also quenching my thirst for beautiful artwork.
Camellie is a talented graphic artist / illustrator pumping out some wildly imaginative and colorful pieces. Camellie works mostly with ink pens and markers adding the colors later in Illustrator.
Ann Marshall’s work combines realistic painting with patterned and textured collage elements. I especially enjoy the direction of her newer portraits, where the collage elements have lots of texture and color.