In his new series, An American Revolution Revolution, Shawn Huckins comments on today’s American culture, technology and how we interact with one another. Huckins feels our love affair with our little devices may be eroding our society in some ways and poses the question, “What would George post?”
Topic: painting
mixed media
music monday
street art
Logo Minimalism by Dorothy
A creative group known as Dorothy is using corporate logo imagery for their painting inspiration.
Minimal Paintings by Greg Bogin
Greg Bogin’s artwork is clean and minimal with a synthetic feel. His canvases are irregularly shaped and in full or partially by intensely bright colors.
Street and Gallery Paintings by Michael De Feo
Michael De Feo is best known for his ubiquitous flowers painted on buildings around the world, infusing a childlike innocence to the street’s walls.
02 Becoming TransNatural
The second TransNatural event will be opening on March 4. I am really drawn to this exhibit because it mixes art and technology in a very compelling way to make statements and ask questions about the biochemical world we live in today and what the future will be.
Mixed Media Collage by Kim Frohsin
Kim Frohsin’s newer collage work has honed in on select bits of imagery to explore and is ripe with color and texture.
Paintings and Illustrations by Tanner Goldbeck
Tanner Goldbeck art is on cars, bikes, helmets, skateboards, traditional surfaces and more. One side of Goldbeck’s artwork is rich in color with a comic/pop art feel.
Sculpture and Paintings by Olve Sande
Working in several different mediums, Olve Sande builds, paints and constructs finely calculated, architecturally inspired works of art. Many of Sande’s pieces are inspired and derived from patterns of thought and/or behavior.
20 Most Popular Posts on Today in Art – 2010
As the year comes to an end, I, like many, tend to reflect on the last year. One thing I enjoy is looking back to see what posts readers of Today in Art like most. The best way I have of doing this today is by looking at the most visited posts.