Tagged: cartoon

Inspiring desktop backgrounds


This isn’t exactly a resource, but I think it is important to keep your work environment inspiring. Smashing Magazine has a great collection of inspiring desktop backgrounds for your mac (or pc, if you haven’t seen the light yet.) Hopefully you’ll find one you like, or get inspiration to create a new one yourself.

Photojojo has your back

Looking for great photo tips?  If not, sorry today’s post won’t mean much to you.  But, if you are, you need to check out Photojojo.com.  There you can signup for a newsletter of great tips and tricks to make your life as a photographer easier.  The great thing about the tips is they are usually concise and to the point and ever so often they point to a great tutorial.  Oh and the really cool thing, you don’t have to signup to see the old newsletters.

New Today in Art Widget is Available

Now you can have art on your website everyday. Simply click the “Get Widget” button to get started.

Note: Some websites will require you to scroll down in the widget to complete. Basically lookout for a small scroll bar on the right of the widgetbox add tool.

[kml_flashembed movie=”http://widgetserver.com/syndication/flash/wrapper/InsertWidget.swf?r=1&appId=5804c34c-5234-49c7-b44d-c7621fc3ea89″ name=”InsertWidget_5804c34c-5234-49c7-b44d-c7621fc3ea89″ width=”400px” height=”343px” quality=”high” menu=”false” wmode=”transparent” align=”middle” /]


1000 True Fans

Kevin Kelly posted 1000 True Fans in his blog yesterday discussing the Long Tail of certain niches. In his post he shows how a creative person only needs 1000 true fans. Kevin’s definition of a true fan is someone who will buy almost anything that you create. Kevin discusses some practical ways of accomplishing this and how pleasant and invigorating it is to be able to personally respond to fans of your work. Building your micro-celebrity status is easier than ever with free tools found on the internet. Checkout his post and begin building your fan base. – found via boingboing

Thumbtack Press – “so hip it hurts”

thumbtack press, so hip it hurtsThumbtack Press looks like a great marketplace for artists to sell their work. Artists submit their work and if it…

“…is deemed ‘Thumbtack’ worthy we will be requesting a print-ready file from you, click here to see acceptable specs. From here we post your work on the monthly tackboard of new art and make it available for sale. If your work sells, we print, package, and ship to the patron and send you a generous cut.”

Sounds cool and the artist receives 50% of the purchase price. Sounds like a pretty good deal with little risk and a decent reward. Anyway, I thought this might be a good resource for our artists.

New Theme Available for Today in Art

todayinart.com - dark - wordpress mu themeI just finished the first of many themes that will be available for use on todayinart.com. todayinart.com – Dark is a simple theme that is, well dark. I know that some folks would rather not place work on white, so now you have black. I will continue developing these and listening for feedback. The next one in queue will be a neutral gray of some type.

If you have a theme or idea that you want to use please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate.

To see an example of theme go to the example blog, example.todayinart.com.