In this series, Satellite Collections, Jenny Odell cuts and collects various images from satellite map imagery. Each piece is themed around images like airplanes, boats, pools, stadiums, etc.

In this series, Satellite Collections, Jenny Odell cuts and collects various images from satellite map imagery. Each piece is themed around images like airplanes, boats, pools, stadiums, etc.
After seeing Pearl Jam Twenty on PBS over the weekend, I have old school grunge rock on the mind. I had forgotten how just how intense their performances could be.
I am continually looking for ways to connect with readers and have added a some new ways to do this.
I am long time fan of Thievery Corporation and really enjoying their newest album, Culture of Fear. This song, Free, is the second track on the album and the first single, Culture of Fear is available as a free download on their website.
In our fast paced world it can become so easy to forget how precious time is. Seeing myself type this seems so cliche, but no matter how many times I hear it, I continually forget.
Showing off your art on a website can be challenging. Most websites scroll vertically, while art in a gallery is viewed horizontally.
Like so many, I am a big fan of Bon Iver and very excited about their new album.
The folks over at Don’t Panic sent me a contest that they are running with Channel 4 this summer to celebrate British street culture.
Theme number 5, Parallax, is now ready and available for the Today in Art Community. Parallax is a visually stunning WordPress blogging theme designed to make your content standout.